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The contract for the Contract Engineer of the sanitary sewage construction in Szprotawa has been signed.

December 18, 2023

The contract for the Contract Engineer as part of the task titled “Sanitary Sewerage in the Piastowskie and Mały Puszczyków Estates in Szprotawa” was signed on October 8, 2014, between: Szprotawskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja Sp. z o.o. in Szprotawa, represented by the President of the Board – Lucjan Stadnik, and ECM GROUP Polska S.A., represented by the Director of Contract Implementation – Sławomir Kośmiński, under the authority granted by the President of the Board – Aleksander Dżoga.

The subject of the signed contract is the provision by the Contractor of Engineer services in the sense of the FIDIC Contractual Conditions for the project included in the extension of the “Comprehensive Solution for Water and Sewage Management for the Szprotawa Agglomeration” project, i.e., Contract No. 17 – “Construction of Sanitary Sewerage in the Piastowskie and Mały Puszczyków Estates in Szprotawa”, and the performance of the supervisory inspector function, in accordance with the Construction Law, for projects included in the extension of the “Comprehensive Solution for Water and Sewage Management for the Szprotawa Agglomeration” project, i.e., Contract No. 17 – “Construction of Sanitary Sewerage in the Piastowskie and Mały Puszczyków Estates in Szprotawa”.