We ensure complex investment realization – starting with document preparation, technical support, design preparation, through investor supervision, being substitute investor, investment management up to final financial investment settlement, start up and other activities necessary for final acceptance of the investment.

ermomodernizacja budynku laboratorium wraz z odzyskiem ciepła z budynku wysokiego Wydziału Nauk o Ziemi w Sosnowcu - etap końcowy inwestycji (TERMOLAB)


Thermal efficiency improvement of laboratory building with heat recovery from high-rise building of Faculty of Earth Sciences in Sosnowiec – final stage (TERMOLAB)

October 18, 2022

ermomodernizacja budynku laboratorium wraz z odzyskiem ciepła z budynku wysokiego Wydziału Nauk o Ziemi w Sosnowcu - etap końcowy inwestycji (TERMOLAB)

Thermal efficiency improvement of laboratory building with heat recovery from high-rise building of Faculty of Earth Sciences in Sosnowiec – final stage (TERMOLAB)

Project value: 2.555.248,00 euro
Investor: University of Silesia in Katowice